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Denver Neighborhoods - Cherry Creek & City Park


Cherry Creek

cherry creek architectureThis central and popular denver neighborhood is quite a mix of luxury modern contemporaries, replicas of turn-of-the-century architecture, and a few remaining original bungalows.  It is centered around the fashionable Cherry Creek mall, which is a thriving, self-contained shopping oasis for its residents. Several hundred stores, boutiques, art galleries, salons, and cafes all provide endless entertainment opportunities. At all times of the year, the 22-mile Cherry Creek path is a haven for biking, running, walking, in-line skating and similar sports. In summer, the Cherry Creek Arts Festival brings thousands to the area to celebrate artistic and musical work by artists and performers from all over the world.  Search homes in Cherry Creek.  Search all Denver homes.

Cherry Creek map

Cherry_Creek map


City Park

city park architectureCity Park is an urban park and one of several popular denver neighborhoods located not far from the central business district. The park itself contains the Denver Zoo, the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, and other cultural attractions. City Park is also the name of the neighborhood that contains the park, though the park is the vast majority of the neighborhood. The neighborhood also contains many historic brick homes, including many Denver square style homes.  Immediately north of the park is the City Park Golf Course, which was named the best public golf course in the State.  Search homes in City Park.  Search all Denver homes.

City Park map

City_Park map

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