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Divorce And Your Home

Avoid Divorce Mistakes Involving The Home


splitting house

Divorce is among the most challenging of life experiences you will ever endure.  Rarely are the decisions easy, and the impact of divorce decisions involving the home may linger for years. 


Your Top Priority

Making divorce-related decisions about your home and the mortgage should be towards the top of your priority list.  


Knowing Your Options Will Reduce Your Stress

During times of financial and emotional upheaval, answers to vital questions may prove a godsend.  Simply knowing how your divorce will be impacted by a potential home sale and the various tax consequences, will settle your mind.  Even getting answers about "future" home financing issues, can calm your mind and help you to make the most sensible and objective decisions.


Attorneys Don't Usually Have The Answers

Accept the fact that a fair number of divorce attorneys will help you spend lots of money during the process of divorce, but they generally won't help you evaluate potential mistakes concerning the house, until perhaps its too late.  Divorce mistakes involving the house can be avoided simply by being more prepared. 


divorce appraisal

The Legal System Doesn't Help

The courts won't be looking out for you, because the vast majority of them do not really care what happens to your home, or your family, or you.  That's just the cold hard truth.  It's common to discover that the legal process doesn't provide sufficient counseling and financial alternatives to the divorcing couple either.  When you discover the reality of what you are about to experience, its usually too late and the costs are too high to fix the problems they've helped you create.  This usually results in a financial mess for one, or both, or the divorcing spouses.


Information Goes A Long Way

To help you determine the best solution for your house and divorce situation, I have a special article called "Divorce And Your Home."  To get a free copy, just call Mike at (303) 514-4000.  You can also just send the easy form, below. 

  • divorce

Michael Dagner is an expert in Denver-Area home sales.
Call today, (303) 514-4000, for help with your home sale or purchase.

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by Michael Dagner: Google+