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How To Buy A Foreclosure


denver foreclosure sign

Denver area foreclosures can be some of the better investments you'll be able to make as a home buyer.  Many foreclosures can be purchased below market value. 


Are Foreclosures Always A Good Deal?

The costs of carrying and holding foreclosures can become expensive.  Because banks and financial institutions are not in the business of warehousing or renting these foreclosed properties, banks need to 'move' their assets quickly.  The longer the property sits and goes unsold, the higher the cost to the bank. That in mind, its easy to understand why most foreclosures are bought for less. 

How To Find The Best Foreclosures

Every day we search and prepare a list of all the foreclosures offered by the banks.  Through our research, we find and sort these properties by location.  We are happy to send a list of these foreclosures to our customers, without cost or obligation.  Knowing where these foreclosures are will save you a great deal of time, and spares you from having to search online or through countless sources trying to find them.  

Get Bank Foreclosures Emailed Daily

If you're looking to buy a foreclosure home or property, or as an investment, call Mike today at (303) 514-4000. Getting a free list and knowing about some of the great foreclosure deals is easy.  Again, our foreclosure lists are free and are absolutely no-obligation to our customers.  Call today.


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Show Me The Foreclosures

Michael Dagner is an expert in Denver-Area home sales.
Call today, (303) 514-4000, for help with your home sale or purchase.

michael dagner realty expert denver

  • affordable homes
  • bank owned
  • bargains
  • buyers
  • foreclosures
  • hud homes
  • list of homes


by Michael Dagner: Google+