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Save Your Home By Halting Foreclosure

Forcing Your Lender To 'Work With You' Might Help Save Your Home!

Save your home by spending a few minutes watching this video.  This video shows you how you may be able to negotiate a halt to the foreclosure process, by requesting the lender "produce the Note."

It is widely known that mortgage lenders and servicers are struggling to produce documents submitted to them by homeowners for numerous 'short sale' and 'loan modification' requests.  Given that lenders are so severely challenged with paperwork accounting issues, it is reasonable to beleive that some homeowners, if not many, can use this strategy to negotiate a more favorable, and reasonable outcome, and stay in their homes. 

When you are behind on your mortgage payments, or you are faced with an impending foreclosure, perhaps this tip will help Save Your Home.  Try it.  You've got nothing to lose, and everything to gain.  Let us know if you are successful.


Michael Dagner is an expert in Denver-Area home sales.
Call (303) 514-4000, or use the form below, for help with your home sale or purchase. 

  • foreclose