Denver Homes Online

Homes In Evergreen -
Evergreen Colorado


About Evergreen & It's Neighborhoods

Evergreen, coEvergreen is Denver's closest mountain community. Evergreen is located just 30 minutes from downtown, just off of Interstate 70.

Evergreen is true to its name and surrounded by blue spruce and pine forests, perched at an elevation of 7,200 ft. Despite Evergreen’s elevation and mountain location, its winter’s are relatively mild and very similar to that experienced in the city.

Evergreen offers year round outdoor recreational activities, and is bordered by a multitude of parks and trails that are used year-round by hikers, cyclists, equestrians. Evergreen Lake is the crown jewel of the Town Of Evergreen, and is a must visit venue for ice skating enthusiasts in the winter months. It’s also a great place for pick-up hockey with many rinks to choose!

Up through the late 1970's, Evergreen was a small and mostly a rustic community. Today’s Evergreen though, is home to many commuters, and well-to-do residents and gorgeous mountain homes.

If you are interested in living in Evergreen, take a look at the many excellent homes in Evergreen, below.


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(303) 514-4000

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$100-150k $150-200k $200-250k $250-300k $300-350k $350-400k
$400-450k $450-500k $500-550k $550-600k $600-650k $650-700k
$700-750k $750-800k $800-850k $850-900k $900-950k $950k & Up

Homes In Evergreen For Sale

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Homes In Evergreen - Zip Codes & Area Map

Zip codes for Homes In Evergreen neighborhoods are: 80439

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If You'd Like More Information About Homes In Evergreen,
Just Call or Email:


(303) 514-4000


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by Michael Dagner: Google+