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Douglas County, co

Homes In Douglas County West - Douglas County CO

About Douglas County West & It's Neighborhoods

Douglas County West is located just south of Denver, and west of Highlands Ranch and Castle Rock.

This area of Douglas County has been a large part of the growth that gives Douglas County the recognition of being among the fastest growing counties in the US, multiple times over the past two decades. Douglas County West includes the towns of Sedalia and Louviers, and traverses the foothills and forest land just south of the metro area. Portions of the county extend into the Pike National Forest.

A few of the popular recreational areas in Douglas County West are Chatfield State Park and Roxborough State Park. Roxborough is widely known for its dramatic red sandstone spires and formations, as seen from Arrowhead Golf Club. Chatfield State Park and Dam is the metro area’s largest reservoir, and is divided between Jefferson and Douglas Counties. Chatfield offers tremendous recreational opportunities, and provides residents with boating, horseback riding, camping, hot air ballooning, model airplane strips, and more.

Homes in Douglas County West range from modest newer homes, to incredibly panoramic acreage sites. If you are interested in living in Douglas County West, take a look at the many excellent homes in Douglas County, below.


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Homes In Douglas County West - Zip Codes & Area Map

Zip codes for Homes In Douglas County West neighborhoods are: 80125, 80131, 80135

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Image: Arrowhead Golf Club

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(303) 514-4000


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by Michael Dagner: Google+